Way back in the early days of this web site, doing a search on “Michael Gaither” brought up pages showing a deadbeat dad in Indiana, or a tire salesman in North Carolina. So much for a unique first and last name.
Four years later, though, and accompanied by two CDs, an active playing schedule, and a ridiculous amount of time spent working here on the web site and podcast, Google’s much kinder to me. A random search this afternoon popped up a link to a visit with one of my very favorite people on one of my very favorite stations when I was on KVMR’s “Rockin’ and Stompin’ with Wesley Robertson” up in Nevada City, CA a few weeks back:
Rockin’ and Stompin’ – 11/14/09 (link to mp3 file)
Welsley’s on every Saturday afternoon from 2-4 pm. I’ve been up that way a few times. On this particular visit, despite two music geeks trading stories about new CDs and artists, I still managed to fit in a handful of songs (“After a Good Rain”, “Roselle”, “Unsuperpokeable”, and “Gettin’ to My Glory Days”.)